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Haskell, Scheme, Common Lisp and Clojure

 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
function literal(\x y -> x^2 + y^2) 3 4
-> 25
((lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))) 3 4)
-> 25
((lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))) 3 4)
-> 25 

((fn [x y] (+ (* x x) (* y y))) 3 4)
-> 25

(#(+ (* % %) (* %2 %2)) 3 4)
-> 25

bind a function literal
to a variable
sos = (\x y -> x^2 + y^2)
sos 3 4
-> 25
in ghci 'let' is needed. 
(define sos (lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sos 3 4)
-> 25 

(setq sos (lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(funcall sos 3 4)
-> 25

(def sos (fn [x y] (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sos 3 4)
-> 25
bind a function literal
to a variable in a scope 
let sos = (\x y -> x^2 + y^2) in
sos 3 4
-> 25
sos 3 4
-> Not in scope: `sos' 

(let ((sos (lambda (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))
(sos 3 4))
-> 25
(sos 3 4)
-> unbound variable: sos 

 (let [sos (fn [x y] (+ (* x x) (* y y)))]
(sos 3 4))
-> 25
(sos 3 4)
-> Unable to resolve symbol: sos 
named function

sos x y = x^2 + y^2
sos 3 4
-> 25 

(define (sos x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sos 3 4)
-> 25 
(defun sos (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sos 3 4)
-> 25
(defn sos [x y] (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sos 3 4)
-> 25 
named function in a scope

let sos x y = x^2 + y^2 in
sos 3 4
-> 25 


(labels ((sos (x y) (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
(sos 3 4))
-> 25
(sos 3 4)
-> undefined function sos 

(letfn [(sos [x y] (+ (* x x) (* y y)))]
(sos 3 4))
-> 25 
 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> 3
head [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> 3 
(car '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> 3 
(car '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> 3
(first '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> 3
(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (1,4,1,5,9,2)
tail [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [1,4,1,5,9,2]
(cdr '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (1 4 1 5 9 2)
(cdr '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (1 4 1 5 9 2)
(rest '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (1 4 1 5 9 2)
3 (1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> [3,1,4,1,5,9,2] 
(cons 3 '(1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 
(cons 3 '(1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 

(cons 3 '(1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2)

(conj '(1 4 1 5 9 2) 3)
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 

(3,1,4) (1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
[3,1,4] ++ [1,5,9,2]
-> [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
(append '(3 1 4) '(1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 
(append '(3 1 4) '(1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 
(concat '(3 1 4) '(1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 

5 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5)

take 5 [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [3,1,4,1,5]

(use srfi-1)
(take '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2) 5)
-> (3 1 4 1 5)

 (take 5 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 4 1 5) 
5 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (9,2) 
drop 5 [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [9,2] 
(use srfi-1)
(drop '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2)  5)
-> (9 2) 
 (drop 5 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (9 2) 
 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1) 
takeWhile odd [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [3,1]
  (take-while odd? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1)
odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (4,1,5,9,2)
dropWhile odd [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [4,1,5,9,2]
  (drop-while odd? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (4 1 5 9 2)
square (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> (9,1,16,1,25,81,4) 
map (\x -> x^2) [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [9,1,16,1,25,81,4] 

(map (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (9 1 16 1 25 81 4)


(map #(* % %) '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (9 1 16 1 25 81 4)

odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,1,5,9)
filter odd [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> [3,1,1,5,9]
(use srfi-1)
(filter odd? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 1 5 9) 
 (filter odd? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (3 1 1 5 9)
(3,1,4,1) 5
-> f(5, f(1, f(4, f(1, 3))))

x2y x y = x^2 + y
foldr x2y 5 [3,1,4,1]
-> 32

(define (x2y x y) (+ (* x x) y))
(fold x2y 5 '(3 1 4 1))
-> 32

(defun x2y (x y) (+ (* x x) y))
(reduce #'(lambda (y x) (x2y x y)) '(3 1 4 1) :initial-value 5)
-> 32

(defn x2y [x y] (+ (* x x) y))
(reduce #(x2y %2 %) 5 '(3 1 4 1))
-> 32
3 (1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1) 5)
x2y x y = x^2 + y
foldl x2y 3 [1,4,1,5]
-> 117007494 

[R6RS] has fold-left 

(defun x2y (x y) (+ (* x x) y))
(reduce #'x2y '(1 4 1 5) :initial-value 3)
-> 117007494

(defn x2y [x y] (+ (* x x) y))
(reduce x2y 3 '(1 4 1 5))
-> 117007494 
f (3,1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1), 5) 
x2y x y = x^2 + y
foldr1 x2y [3,1,4,1,5]
-> 32 

f (3,1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1), 5) 
x2y x y = x^2 + y
foldl1 x2y [3,1,4,1,5]
-> 117007494 
 (defun x2y (x y) (+ (* x x) y))
(reduce #'x2y '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 117007494
 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
2 (3, 1, 4, 1, 5) -> 4
-> 4 
(use srfi-1)
(car (drop '(3 1 4 1 5) 2))
-> 4 
(nth 2 '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 4 
(nth '(3 1 4 1 5) 2)
-> 4 
elem, member
2 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> true
7 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> false 
elem 2 [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> True
elem 7 [3,1,4,1,5,9,2]
-> False 
(member 2 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (2)
(member 7 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> #f 
(member 2 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> (2)
(member 7 '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> NIL

(some #(= % 2) '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> true
(some #(= % 7) '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2))
-> nil

some, any
even? '(3 1 4 1) -> true
even? '(3 5 7 9) -> false 

any even [3,1,4,1]
-> True
any even [3,5,7,9]
-> False 

(any even? '(3 1 4 1))
-> #t
(any even? '(3 5 7 9))
-> #f

 (some even? '(3 1 4 1))
-> true
(some even? '(3 5 7 9))
-> nil 
every?, all
odd? '(3 1 4 1) -> false
odd? '(3 5 7 9) -> true 
all odd [3,1,4,1]
-> False
all odd [3,5,7,9]
-> True 

(use srfi-1)
(every odd? '(3 1 4 1))
-> #f
(every odd? '(3 5 7 9))
-> #t

 (every? odd? '(3 1 4 1))
-> false
(every? odd? '(3 5 7 9))
-> true 
 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
0, 1, 2, ... infinite[0..]
-> [0,1,2,...infinitely]
-> (0 1 2 ... infinitely) 
0, 1, 2, 3, 4[0..4]
-> [0,1,2,3,4]
(use srfi-1)
(iota 5)
-> (0 1 2 3 4) 

(range 5)
-> (0 1 2 3 4) 

2, 3, 4, 5, 6[2..6]
-> [2,3,4,5,6]
(use srfi-1)
(iota  5 2)
-> (2 3 4 5 6) 

(range 2 7)
->  (2 3 4 5 6)

3, 5, 7, 9, 11[3,5..11]
-> [3,5,7,9,11] 
(use srfi-1)
(iota 5 3 2)
-> (3 5 7 9 11) 
 (range 3 12 2)
-> (3 5 7 9 11) 
(3, 1, 4, 1, 5) -> 14

sum [3,1,4,1,5]
-> 14

foldl (+) 0 [3,1,4,1,5]
-> 14 

(apply + '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14

(fold-right + 0 '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14 

(apply #'+ '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14

(reduce #'+ '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14 

(apply + '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14

(reduce + 0 '(3 1 4 1 5))
-> 14 

x f g
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), ... unless g(n)

x2 x = 2 * x
le100 x = 100 <= x
takeWhile (not . le100) $ iterate x2 1
-> [1,2,4,8,16,32,64] 

(use srfi-1)
(define (x2 x) (* 2 x))
(define (le100 x) (<= 100 x))
(unfold le identity x2 1)
-> (1 2 4 8 16 32 64) 

(defun x2 (x) (* 2 x))
(defun le100 (x) (<= 100 x))
((unfold (p f g s)
(if (funcall p s) nil
(cons (funcall f s)
(unfold p f g (funcall g s))))))
(unfold #'le100 #'x2 1))
-> (1 2 4 8 16 32 64)


x f
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...

iterate (2 *) 1
-> [1,2,4,8,16,... infinitely]
  (iterate (partial * 2) 1)
-> (1 2 4 8 16 ... infinitely)
finite iterate
x f 5
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), f(f(f(f(x)))) 
 take 5 $ iterate (2 *) 1
-> [1,2,4,8,16] 
-> (x, x, x, ...) 
repeat 2
-> [2,2,2,2,2,... infinitely
  (repeat 2)
-> (2 2 2 2 2 ... infinitely
finite repeat
x 5
-> (x, x, x, x, x)
take 5 $ repeat 2
-> [2,2,2,2,2] 
(make-list 5 2)
-> (2 2 2 2 2) 
 (take 5 (repeat 2))
 HaskellScheme (R5RS)Common LispClojure
show contents of a file   (print (slurp "hoge.clj"))

JavaScript, Scala, OCaml and F#

function literalfunction (x, y) {return x * x + y * y;}(3,4)
-> 25 
((x:Int, y:Int) => x * x + y * y)(3, 4)

-> Int = 25

(fun x y ->x * x + y * y) 3 4;;

int = 25

(fun x y -> x * x + y * y) 3 4;;
-> int = 25

bind a function literal
to a variable
var sos =function (x, y) {return x * x + y * y;};
-> 25
var sos =(x:Int, y:Int) => x * x + y * y
-> Int = 25

let sos = fun x y -> x * x + y * y;;
sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25

let sos = fun x y -> x * x + y * y;;
sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25
bind a function literal
to a variable in a scope 

function () {
var sos = function (x, y) {return x * x + y * y;};
return sos(3, 4);
-> 25
-> sos is not defined

(() => {
var sos = (x:Int, y:Int) => x * x + y * y
sos(3, 4)
-> Int = 25
sos(3, 4)
-> not found: value sos 

let sos = fun x y -> x * x + y * y in
sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25
sos 3 4;;
-> Unbound value sos 

let sos = fun x y -> x * x + y * y in sos 3 4
-> int = 25
sos 3 4;;
-> The value or constructor 'sos' is not defined 

named functionfunction sos(x, y) {return x * x + y * y;};
-> 25 
def sos(x:Int, y:Int) = x * x + y * y
sos(3, 4)
-> Int = 25 
let sos x y = x * x + y * y;;
sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25 
let sos x y = x * x + y * y;;
sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25 
named function in a scopefunction () {
function sos(x, y) {return x * x + y * y;};
return sos(3, 4);
-> 25
sos(3, 4)
-> sos is not defined 
(() => {
def sos(x:Int, y:Int) = x * x + y * y
sos(3, 4)
-> Int = 25
sos(3, 4)
-> not found: value sos 
let sos x y = x * x + y * y in sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25
sos 3 4;;
-> Unbound value sos 
let sos x y = x * x + y * y in sos 3 4;;
-> int = 25
sos 3 4;;
-> The value or constructor 'sos' is not defined 
(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> 3
-> Int = 3 
(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> List[Int] = List(1,4,1,5,9,2) 
3 (1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> List[Int] = List(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) 
(3,1,4) (1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> List[Int] = List(3,1,4,1,5,9,2) 

5 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,4,1,5)

5 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (9,2) 
odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1) 
odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (4,1,5,9,2)
square (3,1,4,1,5,9,2)
-> (9,1,16,1,25,81,4) 
 List(3,1,4,1,5,9,2).map(x => x * x)
-> List[Int] = List(9,1,16,1,25,81,4) 
odd? (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> (3,1,1,5,9)
 List(3,1,4,1,5,9,2).filter(x => x % 2 != 0)
-> List[Int] = List(3,1,1,5,9) 
(3,1,4,1) 5
-> f(5, f(1, f(4, f(1, 3))))

def x2y(x:Int, y:Int) = x*x + y
-> Int = 32

(List(3,1,4,1) :\ 5){x2y}
-> Int = 32

3 (1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1) 5)

def x2y(x:Int, y:Int) = x*x + y
-> Int = 117007494

(3 /: List(1,4,1,5)){x2y}
-> Int = 117007494 

f (3,1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1), 5) 
 def x2y(x:Int, y:Int) = x*x + y
-> Int = 117007494 
f (3,1,4,1,5)
-> f(f(f(f(3, 1), 4), 1), 5) 
 def x2y(x:Int, y:Int) = x*x + y
-> 32 
2 (3, 1, 4, 1, 5) -> 4
elem, member
2 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> true
7 (3,1,4,1,5,9,2) -> false 
some, any
even? '(3 1 4 1) -> true
even? '(3 5 7 9) -> false 
every?, all
odd? '(3 1 4 1) -> false
odd? '(3 5 7 9) -> true 
0, 1, 2, ... infinite    
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 List.range(0,5)
-> List[Int] = List(0,1,2,3,4) 
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 List.range(2,7)
-> List[Int] = List(2,3,4,5,6) 
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 List.range(3,12,2)
-> List[Int] = List(3,5,7,9,11) 
(3, 1, 4, 1, 5) -> 14    
x f g
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), ... until g(x) 

x f
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...

finite iterate
x f 5
-> x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), f(f(f(f(x)))) 
-> (x, x, x, ...) 
finite repeat
x 5
-> (x, x, x, x, x)
show contents of a file    


 GHCGaucheSBCLCLISPClojureNode.jsScalaOCamlMono F#
interpreterghcigoshsbclclispjava clojure.mainnodejava
(Use a bundled script instead)
command line edittingbuilt-inrlwraprlwrapbuilt-inrlwrapbuilt-inrlwrapleditbuilt-in
exit interpreter:quit(exit)(quit)



(System/exit 0)





import a library:m +Data.List(use srfi-1)  (use '    
load a source file

:l hoge.hs

:l hoge

(load "./hoge.scm")(load "hoge.lisp")(load "hoge.lisp")(load-file "hoge.clj") :l hoge.scala#use "hoge.cma"

#load "hoge.fsx"

.fs is used for things belonging to some name space. use .fsx if you want it as just a script. 

execute a script
without compiling 
compile and execute         

$ cat args.scm
(define (main args)
(print args)
(print (car args))
(print (cdr args)))
$ gosh args.scm a b c
(args.scm a b c)
(a b c)

multi line





5 Basic Functions

 SchemeCommon LispClojure

1. car

carcar, firstfirst
2. cdrcdrcdr, restrest
3. consconsconscons
4. atom(lambda (x) (not (pair? x)))atom#(not (list? %))
5. eq



Special Forms (Syntax)

 schemeCommon LispClojure

Other Basics

 schemeCommon LispClojure
(= 0 0)#tTtrue
(= 0 1)#fNILfalse



def x2y(x:Int, y:Int) = x*x + y

  • No labels